
Showing posts from February, 2017

A fat lot of good fat

A fat lot of good fat Sort the good fat from the bad with our expert guide to eating a healthy, balanced diet... High-fat diets are often linked with major health problems including obesity and heart disease.  However, we all need some fat in our diet to stay healthy. Fat is a good energy source and vital for the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. The confusing part is that not all fats were created equally - some are better for us than others. What's more, although high in calories, there is evidence that you could burn fat more quickly by changing the type you eat. So how can we get the balance right?   Choose... Monounsaturated oils - olive oil rather than sunflower oil for instance.   The right balance of 'omegas'. Linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3) are types of polyunsaturated 'essential fatty acids' or EFAs. Foods containing omega-3 EFAs - vital for a healthy heart and good lung function, and found in oily fish, flaxs...